Recently I have been learning the MIPS assembly due to assignments and so one of the first tasks was to implement the bubble sort algorithm.
It doesn't use tables to store the array but takes the integers as input interactivly and is not limited to 5 inputs because it uses the stack so useful for anyone who is learning MIPS
Here it is for any of you who may be interested...
##### BUBBLE SORT --> mah165 ####
.align 4
banner: .asciiz "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
banner1: .asciiz "| MIPS BUBBLE SORT V0.1 |\n"
banner2: .asciiz "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
promptIntList: .asciiz "[Integer] (0=exit) >>> "
crlf: .asciiz "\n"
space: .asciiz " "
sortedLabel: .asciiz "Sorted array: "
busyLabel: .asciiz "Swapping ...\n"
.globl main
add $fp, $zero, $sp; #set frame pointer
move $s1, $ra # store return address
li $v0, 4; # opcode for print_string
la $a0, banner; # arg for print_string
syscall; # syscall
la $a0, banner1; # next arg
syscall; # syscall
la $a0, banner2; # next arg
syscall; # syscall
li $s0,0; # number of integers initialize
li $v0, 4; # opcode for print_string
la $a0, promptIntList; # argument for print_string
syscall; # call print_string
li $v0, 5; # opcode for read_int
syscall; # call read_int
beq $v0,0,bubblesort;
addi $sp,$sp,-4; # decrement stack -4
sw $v0,0($sp); # store user input onto the stack
addi $s0, $s0, 4; # store stack counter in s0
j PROMPTINT; # jump back to PROMPTINT;
beq $s0,0,EXIT; # check if number of ints*4 is > 0
move $t0,$sp; # outerloop counter
add $t4,$sp,$s0; # outerloop termination
addi $t4,$t4,-4;
move $t1,$sp; # innerloop counter
sub $t6,$t0,$sp; # inner loop end condition
sub $t6,$t4,$t6;
lw $t2,0($t1); # get first int
lw $t3,4($t1); # get second int
slt $t5,$t2,$t3; # if n[0] < n[+1] set t5 = 1
bne $t5,$zero,swapFalse;# if $t5 == 0 !swap ... else swap
move $t5,$t2; # move $t2 into $t5
move $t2,$t3; # move $t3 into $t2
move $t3,$t5; # move $t5 into $t3
sw $t2,0($t1); # restore back to stack swapped
sw $t3,4($t1); # ..............................
addi $t1,$t1,4; # increment to next int
bne $t1,$t6,bubbleLoop2; # if not end then back to loop
li $v0,4
la $a0, busyLabel; # print a status
syscall; # call the print
addi $t0,$t0,4; # increment outer loop counter
bne $t0,$t4,bubbleLoop1; # if !=$t0 back to loop else:
li $v0,4; # print:
la $a0,sortedLabel; # sorted array...
syscall; # call the sys for print label
jal printArrayList; # now print sorted array
j EXIT; # then exit cleanly
move $t5,$sp; # print counter
add $t2,$s0,$t5; # end condition
li $v0, 1; # opcode print int
lw $a0,0($t5); # arg for print int
syscall; # call
li $v0,4; # print string
la $a0,space; # space
syscall; # call
addi $t5,$t5,4; # next int
bne $t5,$t2,printArrayLoop; # if int left then print next
li $v0,4; # print code
la $a0,crlf; # new line
syscall; # call
jr $ra; # return to caller
move $ra,$s1
jr $ra
Thank you so much!!! I had been having troubles with Assembly but now with this I understand perfectly. Thank youuuu!!
ReplyDeletethis is not working...
ReplyDeleteGo: running Mips BSort 01.asm
Error in : invalid program counter value: 0x00000000
Go: execution terminated with errors.
OK It is fixed by replacing
move $ra,$s1
jr $ra
li $v0,10